About This Blog

Hello Everyone!

Some may know me or have downloaded my sims from the sims2 website. I am known as sharonsim0721 there. I kept the same username for the Sims 3 as well. Here's my sims2 webpage for those who are interested:


I decided to make a Sims 3 blog featuring the current sims I have for download, previews of upcoming sims, and a list of where I get my CCs from. Without the CCs, my sims will not look the same in your game. I will do my best to list all CCs, but unfortunately, for a few, I might not remember where in the world I've downloaded them from. Therefore, for those CCs, I cannot do anything about them unless you know where they are from...If so, shoot me an email at sharonsims2@gmail.com and I will add it to the list. I hope you will enjoy your stay here.

NOTE: In regards to my future creations, please do keep in mind it's just my artistic interpretation of the characters' nationality for the Sims 3 game and should NOT be compared to reality. There are a few folks who are touchy about this subject; therefore, I want to make sure people know where I am coming from when creating these sims. My main focus is still like it was for the Sims 2, which is to create for myself and the community... to provide different varieties to play within the game.
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