EA The Sims 3 - Good Vs. Evil Showcase

According to EA Sims 3, there were a total of 800 entries! Therefore, I was so thrilled when I found out that Glenda made it in the Good Vs. Evil Community Showcase featured list! YAY!!! I definitely spent some time on making her look very innocent and pretty! Here's the bio I had for her:
Gender: Female
Age: Young Adult
Fitness: Trim
Weight: Thin
Traits: Good, Good Sense Of Humor, Easily Impressed, Vegetarian, Friendly
This is my good sim entry for the "''Good vs. Evil Showcase"''. When Glenda was in high school, her school voted her to be featured as --most friendly-- in their yearbook. She loves animals and nature. On the weekends, she volunteer her time for many events to help people. She's a true angel!

There were other winners as well. Check them out: http://www.thesims3.com/good_vs_evil

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